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Pirapakaran Subramaniam

Principal executive officer

Dear Students,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Salisbury College Australia. I have great pleasure in leading this highly regarded college with our dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic learners! To us, teaching and learning involves more than just providing academic instruction. It is about nurturing students to face challenges beyond college. We work in partnerships with industry experts to educate and prepare our students to be successful, independent and resilient. 

At SCA, our learner-centred teaching approach is designed to ensure that all students will achieve to the very best of their ability. Your choice of college may have a significant impact on your life, so this handbook will provide you with information you will need to make a good decision. To all students who are enrolling at Salisbury College Australia, I believe you are making an excellent choice.

Kind regards,

Pirapakaran Subramaniam

SCA Admin Team

Admission Department


Accounts Department

Marketing Promotion Department

Academic Department

Student Support Department